Friday, November 16, 2007

How to Be Holy

Do you ever wonder if you are Holy? or Holy enough? Being Holy is and can be to some a hard thing to perform. Or can it? It says in God's Word that you shall be holy; for I am holy. Yes we need to be holy. But as I was learning to be holy throughout my years as a Christian sometimes I wondered really does the church live a holy life? We were to busy wondering how should my hair grow or how long should our sleeves be. Should woman wear pants? There are all of these questions come up when you hear holiness.
When I first gave my heart to Jesus, it was in a holiness church it was a Free Methodist Church. I told the Lord that I would dress like those around me dressed. Longsleeves, long hair, skirts below my knees. You have to remember I was 15 years old. I didn't know any different but to dress like them. I don't follow people in my life today. But when I became a christian, I knew that there had to be changes in my life. So that is where I started. So then years down the road I went through things in my life that were hard to take. God brought me through those situations. I married, had three beautiful daughters. As I was going through these years drawing closer to the Lord. Then one day in my devotions I was listening to what God was telling me. "You dress and look like you do for this reason", as I was reading His word. It was like He was standing right there and talking with me. So as I continually live my life for Jesus, I want to walk with Him and live a holy life. By walking and living my life holy onto Him.

I took this from a Devotional Bible, Woman Thou Art Loosed! by T. D. Jakes

Leviticus 11:44 - For I am the Lord your God. You shall therefore consecrate youselves, and you shall be holy; for I am holy. Neither shall you defile youselves with any creeping thing that creeps on the earth.

I'm not sure what it would have been like to have been raised in the church, insulated from worldliness and sin. Sometimes I envy those who have been able to live victoriously all of their lives. But most of us have not had that kind of experience.
There are those who difine holiness as what one wears or eats. For years churches displayed the name holiness because they were monitoring a person's outward appearance. They weren't truly looking at the character on the inside. Often they got sidetracked by how much makeup or jewelry someone wore while thousands of people were destroying themselves with drugs and prostitution.
The Church is a hospital for wounded souls. The staff in a hospital understands that people get sick and need a place to recover. Many of those in Scripture were sick, unholy. The Bible never camouflaged the weaknesses of the people God used. He used David. He used Abraham. Sometimes people break the boundaries, go out of control, and need to be readmitted to the hospital for treatment.
The fact is, we were all born in sin and shaped in iniquity. We have no true badge of righteousness that we can wear on the outside, God concluded that all are in sin so He needed to save us from ourselves (Galatians 3:22-But the Scripture has confined all under sin, that the promise by faith in Jesus Christ might be given to those who believe.) It wasn't the act of sin, but the state of sin, that brought us into condemnation.
A church that focuses on the externals has lost its passion for souls. When you go into that kind of church, it is possible to walk away feeling like a second-class citizen. Or you may try to be super-spiritual in order to compensate for an embarrassing past. You can't earn deliverance. You have to receive it by faith. Christ is the only righteousness God will accept.
No one person needs any more of the blood of Jesus than anyone else. Jesus died once for all (Romans 6:10 - For the death that He died, He died to sin once for all, but the life that He lives. He lives to God.). Each person must come to Him individually. When you come to Him, He will raise you up by the blood of Christ --- not because you've done good things.
There is a sanctity of spirit that comes through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. It cleans up the innermost part of your being. Once you get cleaned up in your spirit, it will be reflected in your character and conduct. You can't be like Mary, the mother of Jesus, and dress like Mary Magdalene did before she met the Master. The Spirit of the Lord will give you boundaries and teach you how to be holy.

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