Did you know that Adam and Eve had choices to make? What about the fruit. God told them in Genesis chapter 2 verse 15 it tell us that God put Adam in the garden of Eden to take care of it.
But God also told him that he may eat freely of the fruit but not that of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

For if he eats it, it says he will die vs. 17.

God goes on to say in vs. 18, that man should not be alone, that he will make him a helper. In vs. 22, God did make woman! In vs. 24 it says that "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh".
So God made man and woman, he made them naked and they were not ashamed. But you know the story does not end there. They made the choice, what choice was it? As Adam and Eve went on in their lives, they had choices they had to make.
One day Eve was out and she saw the beautiful garden that God gave to them. Oh! It was so beautiful. The fruit looked so inviting. What happen then? In chapter 3:1 Yes, that serpent came along and tempted Eve. She had a choice she could take that tempting fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, or she had the choice not to take the fruit from it. What would you have done? For the serpent had told Eve that she wouldn't die vs. 4. We all know that she did make the wrong choice and that is why we are in the turmoil and all the wickedness that is going on in this world today!
Look at this fruit

What would you do looking at this beautiful fruit? We do have a lot of choices that we must make.
How do we know if we are making the right choices? If you are living for God it can be somewhat easier you might say. You still have the choice, but God is there to help you with the choices that you make. Whether it be the right or wrong choice. He will be there. If you are living your life to please Him, then you will make the right choice. If you make the wrong choice I believe that you will know, and your life will be in turmoil and you won't be content.
So I pray that you will make the right choices in your life. Look to Jesus He will carry you through. Draw close to Him He is waiting for you to ask Him to come into your life. Won't you let Him come into your heart today? Then let Him have His way with you, in all that you do. That chorus that we sing "Jesus Loves Me this I know, for the Bible tells me so".
Then remember the scripture it seems that we have all learned at one time as a child it says:
"For God so loves the world that he gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life". John 3:16
Won't you come to know Him as your best Friend?
1 comment:
I just wanted to check in and say that I lost a half pound. I guess that is better than nothing. Just half to keep going. Hope everyone else is doing good.
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